The infringement of this rule of the Highway Code can cost you dearly, even with the deduction of 2 points on the licence: what it is

The Traffic Laws it is full of rules and laws that are sometimes obvious, others surprising. In this case we are talking about something that is now known to everyone, for which it would seem strange to live without it even if it wasn’t exactly like this before: the mandatory use of low beam lights on motorways and extra-urban roads.
Maybe you don’t know that the law can severely punish the infraction of this rulewhich also includes the position lights, those of the number plate and any clearance lights.
Different speech and greater severity in the case of tricycles, quadricycles, motorcycles and mopeds for which the obligation also extends within population centres: those who drive this type of vehicle must always keep them on, otherwise the risk is that of being stopped immediately by the police.

But be careful because in case of heavy rain, poor visibility and conditions of this type the obligation also extends to cars: in any case, the infringement of all laws regulating the use of headlights can cost up to 2 points on the licence.
Correct use of headlights while driving: the risk is losing two points on the licence
Let’s do a generic review: the sidelights, which in modern cars now turn on automatically, are mandatory in any condition and with any type of vehicle. The low beams must be turned on on country roads and motorways both during the day and, of course, during the evening and at night.
The rule regarding the dazzling lights however, it is very clear: they can be used when desired, especially on dimly lit roads, but never when crossing other vehicles and being close to another car from behind. An action of this kind would compromise the visibility of other drivers with all the risks involved.
So what does the Highway Code say in case we find ourselves violating these rules? The fine starts from 41 euros and can go up to 168 to which is added the deduction of 2 points on the driving licence.

Finally, two distinctions must be made: why improper use of lights is punished with the reduction of only 1 point on the driving licence, for example if you want to signal the presence of a checkpoint to the cars you cross, which become 3 per incorrect use of high beams.
In short, very simple rules but which for obvious reasons are punished in the most disparate ways if broken: modern cars, as mentioned, help us with automatic systems but never forget to operate them in the best way and in the right situations without breaking the law.