The stop on the cut in excise duties has caused new increases in the price per liter of various fuels. Furthermore, many unscrupulous gas station attendants have speculated on this, in some cases inordinately raising prices. Therefore, decisive intervention by the Government was necessary, thanks to a new law decree on the issue of petrol. But what was decided? Can you really receive a 200 euro voucher to refuel your car? Here’s everything you need to know about this important topic.

From 1 January 2023, Italians have returned to paying the full price of fuel. In fact, the discount on excise duties has expired. Petrol and diesel per liter therefore cost much more than in the last months of the previous year. A real blow to the pockets of millions of Italian motorists.
After the outbreak of war in Ukraine at the end of February 2022, the Italian government had chosen to help Italians by cutting the price of fuel by 30 cents per liter, eliminating excise duties. After months and months in which the measure was extended, starting this year the Meloni government has opted for a return to its origins.
Nevertheless, expensive fuel is always at the center of the political debate and on Tuesday 10 January the Government issued a new decree law. This move will allow the Italians to have some breathing room on this front.
In fact, in addition to the stop on the cut of excise duties, there have been unfortunate episodes regarding the speculation of some petrol stations on the price of various fuels. In fact, in some distributors it has come to charge a price even 40 cents higher than the average list prices.
The Meloni government has taken the situation head on and has announced a new decree law on the matter. What was decided for the “crafty”? What petrol bonus will be available? Here are all the details on this case.
All the information on the 200 euro petrol bonus: here’s who can receive it
To guarantee a more homogeneous situation and to monitor everything, the new decree law promoted by the Government of our country has decided to make life more difficult for speculators. Indeed, each petrol station will have to make the prices charged transparent. In practice, it will be mandatory to display the average list price, indicated every day by the Ministry of Enterprise, and the sale price implemented by the individual petrol station. And on the petrol bonus front?

But that’s not all. In the same decree, the extension of the 200 euro petrol bonus, already present in the previous months of strong price increases. Not everyone, however, will be able to benefit from this important discount. Let’s find out all the details on this incentive.
This 200 euro petrol bonus is aimed exclusively at employees of private companies. In practice, it is a sort of benefit with which the company can guarantee the employee a better situation on the fuel front. For the first quarter of this year, that bonus will be extra it won’t make income and, therefore, will not be subject to taxation.
The individual citizen, therefore, will not be able to make a personal request for this bonus. It may (or may not) be granted only by the individual company as a benefit to its employees. All public administrations are currently excluded from this voucher.
The facilitation, therefore, does not concern all Italians, but it will certainly please a good part of them. We will see if further incentives will be promoted by the Government in the coming months. Much will depend on whether or not the situation linked to fuel prices gets worse.